Researcher | Chiron Last 🇬🇧
- Deckard666
- Beiträge: 18504
- Registriert: 31. August 2019 00:32
- Hat sich bedankt: 3 Mal
- Danksagung erhalten: 21 Mal
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#1 Researcher | Chiron Last 🇬🇧
Videos von Chiron Last.
"Some men aren't looking for anything logical, like money. They can't be bought, bullied, reasoned, or negotiated with. Some men just want to watch the world burn."
Alfred Pennyworth, The Dark Knight (2008)
Alfred Pennyworth, The Dark Knight (2008)
- Deckard666
- Beiträge: 18504
- Registriert: 31. August 2019 00:32
- Hat sich bedankt: 3 Mal
- Danksagung erhalten: 21 Mal
- Kontaktdaten:
#2 Chiron Last: Commerce - Law of the Sea
Chiron Last: Commerce - Law of the Sea
Format: 1080p // Sprache: Englisch // Untertitel: Deutsch (YT erzeugt) // 66 Min. // 2014-10-26
The esoteric law of the sea - commerce.
"Some men aren't looking for anything logical, like money. They can't be bought, bullied, reasoned, or negotiated with. Some men just want to watch the world burn."
Alfred Pennyworth, The Dark Knight (2008)
Alfred Pennyworth, The Dark Knight (2008)
- Deckard666
- Beiträge: 18504
- Registriert: 31. August 2019 00:32
- Hat sich bedankt: 3 Mal
- Danksagung erhalten: 21 Mal
- Kontaktdaten:
#3 Chiron Last: The Golden Web (3 Episoden, 2014) 🇬🇧
Chiron Last: The Golden Web (3 Episoden, 2014)
Episode 1: The Golden Web Part 1
Format: 480p // Sprache: Englisch // Untertitel: - // 139 Min. // 2014
Hidden Knowledge of this Re-Ality.
Episode 2: The Golden Web Part 2
Format: 480p // Sprache: Englisch // Untertitel: - // 173 Min. // 2014
From the Phoenix, to the breath, to the fountain of youth and tree of life.
Episode 3: The Golden Web Part 3
Format: 480p // Sprache: Englisch // Untertitel: - // 139 Min. // 2014
From where we are in this galaxy, to the enormous implications of commerce, to the remedy of awareness, and much more.
"Some men aren't looking for anything logical, like money. They can't be bought, bullied, reasoned, or negotiated with. Some men just want to watch the world burn."
Alfred Pennyworth, The Dark Knight (2008)
Alfred Pennyworth, The Dark Knight (2008)