Researcher | Jordan Maxwell 🇬🇧

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Registriert: 31. August 2019 00:32
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#1 Researcher | Jordan Maxwell 🇬🇧

Researcher | Jordan Maxwell 🇬🇧


Jordan Maxwell , Pseudonym von Russell Joseph Pine ( Pensacola , 28. Dezember 1940 – 23. März 2022 ), war ein amerikanischer Schriftsteller und Forscher, der sich mit Theologie , Geheimgesellschaften, Etymologie und Okkultismus beschäftigte.

"Some men aren't looking for anything logical, like money. They can't be bought, bullied, reasoned, or negotiated with. Some men just want to watch the world burn."
Alfred Pennyworth, The Dark Knight (2008)
Beiträge: 18405
Registriert: 31. August 2019 00:32
Hat sich bedankt: 3 Mal
Danksagung erhalten: 20 Mal

#2 Jordan Maxwell - Occult Commerce & Banking 🇬🇧

Jordan Maxwell - Occult Commerce & Banking 🇬🇧

Format: 720p // Sprache: Englisch // Untertitel: Deutsch (YT erzeugt) // 36 Mi. // 2023-05-04

UNITED STATES citizen versus state Citizen. Research "commerce game" to discover how banks really work. Lessons from Jordan Maxwell. Who owns you? — UNITED STATES INC. As a state National/Citizen, your rights are secured by the Bill of Rights, the Constitution for the united states of America (1787), and the Declaration of Independence. state Citizenship has benefits, as well as drawbacks.

UNITED STATES citizens are employees of the UNITED STATES INC. Jordan explains the "body social" in terms of law. When you retire, you receive Social Security profit-sharing disbursements from use of your body as security to secure the federal debt. "They" are not giving you anything. You worked for it. Each person is a "security" around the world. Why are "birth certificates" on stock paper? Researcher, author, and occult expert Jordan Maxwell explains.

"Some men aren't looking for anything logical, like money. They can't be bought, bullied, reasoned, or negotiated with. Some men just want to watch the world burn."
Alfred Pennyworth, The Dark Knight (2008)
Beiträge: 18405
Registriert: 31. August 2019 00:32
Hat sich bedankt: 3 Mal
Danksagung erhalten: 20 Mal

#3 Jordan Maxwell - Law of Land vs Sea | Maritime Admiralty 🇬🇧

Jordan Maxwell - Law of Land vs Sea | Maritime Admiralty 🇬🇧

Format: 720p // Sprache: Englisch // Untertitel: Deutsch (YT erzeugt) // 41 Min. // 2023-05-04

The UNITED STATES versus the united states of America. It all started after the civil war — 1871. Fundamentally, there are two things on Earth — land and water. Subsequently, Jordan explains how we have the law of the land, and the law of the water. The law of the land is the law of the people on the land where they live. However, the law of the sea/water is international maritime admiralty law. They are banking laws. When you get a credit card in the UNITED STATES, it works in Europe, or in INDIA.

All ships are female, and she delivers a product. Females produce products — labor, delivery room, birth/berth, ship — "she" delivers products, Jordan explains. When products are delivered, they need a certificate of manifest. What is on the ship is on its manifest. Humans are maritime/admiralty products. They also have certificates of manifest, which are "birth certificates." On the birth certificate, it shows our parent as "informant." We are then property of the Department of Commerce.

All humans are "stock." As soon as persons are birthed/berthed, they become property of the government under which they live. See UNITED STATES versus united states of America. The UNITED STATES is different than the united states of America. Constitution for the united states of America formed in 1787 and the Constitution of the UNITED STATES in 1871. UNITED STATES INC — the UNITED STATES is a corporation. Formed in Delaware in 1871. All UNITED STATES citizens are governed under the corporate law of the UNITED STATES. All corporations must have a President, Vice President, Secretary, and Treasurer. Hence, the UNITED STATES INC formed in Act of 1871. A UNITED STATES citizen is an employee of the UNITED STATES INC. Jordan discusses.

Rome was once ruled the world. Caesar once ruled from "the hill." WASHINGTON DC is the new Rome, or Empire. Jordan shares his wisdom on who owns you, and why America has liquor stores, and drug stores on every corner.

"Some men aren't looking for anything logical, like money. They can't be bought, bullied, reasoned, or negotiated with. Some men just want to watch the world burn."
Alfred Pennyworth, The Dark Knight (2008)
Beiträge: 18405
Registriert: 31. August 2019 00:32
Hat sich bedankt: 3 Mal
Danksagung erhalten: 20 Mal

#4 Jordan Maxwell - United States is a Corporation 🇬🇧

Jordan Maxwell - United States is a Corporation 🇬🇧

Format: 720p // Sprache: Englisch // Untertitel: Deutsch (YT erzeugt) // 44 Min. // 2023-05-15

The UNITED STATES FEDERAL GOVERNMENT is a corporation, which operates like any other company. The USA has 50 states, and each state is a sovereignty, and a country. There are laws defining Citizenship. Democracy is the will of the people, but is our "democracy" the will of the people? We have some great leaders, but a few bad apples spoil the entire bunch. To be good Citizens, we need to not only understand the law, but follow the law. Jordan Maxwell explains FEDERAL citizen versus state Citizen. If you're a state Citizen, then you're not a FEDERAL citizen. The contract makes the LAW. When you walk into a restaurant, order your food, you have an "implied contract." You sat down, ordered, which implies you agreed to pay — "implied contract." Jordan and friends discuss 1868 when the so-called "14th Amendment" was adopted. "One nation under God" — is this Constitutional (FRANCIS BELLAMY and the Socialist movement)? The difference between California state, and the STATE OF CALIFORNIA. Privileges versus Rights. We look at the Dred Scott v. Sandford decision. Slaves were brought to America as chattel property, an item of movable property, having no rights. Humans are chattel property known as "human resources."

"Live within the Law, know the Law." — Jordan Maxwell
"Come now, and let us reason together, ..." — Isaiah 1:18
"If you sleep on your rights, you have none." — Jordan Maxwell

"Some men aren't looking for anything logical, like money. They can't be bought, bullied, reasoned, or negotiated with. Some men just want to watch the world burn."
Alfred Pennyworth, The Dark Knight (2008)

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