Musik: Chillout/Ambient

Beiträge: 18504
Registriert: 31. August 2019 00:32
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Danksagung erhalten: 21 Mal

#1 Musik: Chillout/Ambient

Ambient ist eine Variante der elektronischen Musik, bei der sphärische, sanfte, langgezogene und warme Klänge dominieren. Rhythmus und Perkussion stehen bei der Ambient-Musik im Hintergrund oder sind überhaupt nicht vorhanden, sie erscheinen als subtile Perkussionstexturen, als Arpeggien oder in rhythmisch eingebrachten Melodie- und Bassverläufen. Häufig wird auch mit räumlichen Effekten, Soundscapes und Feldaufnahmen experimentiert, vielfach werden elektronische Orgeln (Keyboards) und Blasinstrumente eingesetzt. Auch Naturgeräuschkulissen, Sprache und Gesang haben ihren Platz. Die Musikstücke sind meist sehr langsam und lang, bauen sich oft gemächlich auf und gehen ineinander über, wobei sie selten einer klassischen Songstruktur folgen.

Weitere Informationen: Wikipedia - Ambient

"Some men aren't looking for anything logical, like money. They can't be bought, bullied, reasoned, or negotiated with. Some men just want to watch the world burn."
Alfred Pennyworth, The Dark Knight (2008)
Beiträge: 18504
Registriert: 31. August 2019 00:32
Hat sich bedankt: 3 Mal
Danksagung erhalten: 21 Mal

#2 Samurai ☯ Japanese Lofi HipHop Mix

Samurai ☯ Japanese Lofi HipHop Mix

Playlist von the bootleg boy // Länge: 41 Min.

0:00​ RŮDE - Eternal Youth
3:23​ wünsche - sunday vibes
5:19​ SPEECHLESS😶 - Shangri-La
7:38​ Elijah Nang イライジャ - Song of the Samurai. 侍
11:02​ Doze☯ - drunk off the liquor
14:13​ Kerusu - First Snow
17:20​ Elektro Bin - Little cloud
19:45​ Redrose - tragic hero
23:05​ FTHRS - Don't Lie And Say You Love Me
25:54​ Elijah Nang イライジャ - Ohayō Gozaimasu おはようございます。// Good morning.
29:43​ Elijah Nang イライジャ - Konnichiwa. こんにちは / Good Afternoon
33:39​ RŮDE - for my friends
36:24​ oatmello - down in the shade
38:37​ toj - fuji

"Some men aren't looking for anything logical, like money. They can't be bought, bullied, reasoned, or negotiated with. Some men just want to watch the world burn."
Alfred Pennyworth, The Dark Knight (2008)
Beiträge: 18504
Registriert: 31. August 2019 00:32
Hat sich bedankt: 3 Mal
Danksagung erhalten: 21 Mal

#3 Shinobi ☯ Japanese Lofi HipHop Mix (Lofi)

Shinobi ☯ Japanese Lofi HipHop Mix (Lofi)

Playlist von the bootleg boy // Länge: 43 Min.

0:00​ - osed.trunks - rays from the east (w/ frxn)
2:41​ Elijah Nang イライジャ - Amaya Village
6:09​ Kalaido - Whisked Away Again
10:22​ T s u n a m i i 🌊 - Just Imagine
14:07​ The -COCO- Triology - Part 2 - Find Coco (feat. Julian Convex)
17:26​ aekasora - Separate Ways (The Legend of Korra Hip Hop Remix)
21:34​ K HIGAMI - nowhere to return to.
24:53​ enoshy - solitude
26:57​ aekasora - one day in Japan
29:53​ aekasora - nindō
31:57​ The Ugly - The Moon In Autumn
34:41​ Michael Skaide - Earth
37:49​ Elijah Nang イライジャ - Gomenasai II

"Some men aren't looking for anything logical, like money. They can't be bought, bullied, reasoned, or negotiated with. Some men just want to watch the world burn."
Alfred Pennyworth, The Dark Knight (2008)
Beiträge: 18504
Registriert: 31. August 2019 00:32
Hat sich bedankt: 3 Mal
Danksagung erhalten: 21 Mal

#4 Ninja ☯ Asian Lofi HipHop Mix (Lofi)

Ninja ☯ Asian Lofi HipHop Mix (Lofi)

Playlist von the bootleg boy // Länge: 22 Min.

0:00​ t^bi- Bamboo Forest
1:44​ Kalaido - Motorbikes In Sapa
4:35​ Tenno - Journey
7:21​ Vindu - Samurai
10:21​ levox - 3. ~Samurai Code~
13:40​ WaveWalker - Orient
16:40​ t^bi & RONINCLOUD - Gardens Of Suzhou
18:38​ SenS - Akemi

"Some men aren't looking for anything logical, like money. They can't be bought, bullied, reasoned, or negotiated with. Some men just want to watch the world burn."
Alfred Pennyworth, The Dark Knight (2008)
Beiträge: 18504
Registriert: 31. August 2019 00:32
Hat sich bedankt: 3 Mal
Danksagung erhalten: 21 Mal

#5 Sensei ☯ Japanese Lofi HipHop Mix (Lofi)

Sensei ☯ Japanese Lofi HipHop Mix (Lofi)

Playlist von the bootleg boy // Länge: 41 Min.

0:00​ Tenno - Muramasa
2:21​ Tenno - Torii Road
4:29​ Aphrow - Lion Dance (from dreamhop’s ‘Lunar’ compilation)
6:05​ t^bi - soul
7:31​ NOGYMX - Lost Grove
10:34​ Elijah Nang - A Hero Is Born (feat. Kalaido)
13:47​ FIFexclamation & Vindu - Black Sakura
17:02​ greenface & Refeeld - Red Lamps (from dreamhop’s ‘Lunar’ compilation)
19:11​ Tenno - A Traveler's Tale
22:03​ Kalaido - Benevolence (released by College Music)
25:59​ lilac - Kimi
27:52​ tansen. - Varanasi
31:12​ Tenno - Lone Wanderer
34:10​ Raimu - Dandelion's Lullaby
36:14​ Aarigod - Tender Green
38:23​ Tenno & Raimu - Hidden Shrine

"Some men aren't looking for anything logical, like money. They can't be bought, bullied, reasoned, or negotiated with. Some men just want to watch the world burn."
Alfred Pennyworth, The Dark Knight (2008)
Beiträge: 18504
Registriert: 31. August 2019 00:32
Hat sich bedankt: 3 Mal
Danksagung erhalten: 21 Mal

#6 RŌNIN ☯ Asian Lofi HipHop Mix (Lofi)

RŌNIN ☯ Asian Lofi HipHop Mix (Lofi)

Playlist von the bootleg boy // Länge: 40 Min.

0:00​ Shinobi Lite - Distant
3:04​ Mr. Nouilles - Peony Pavilion
5:46​ Shinobi Lite - Memories
8:12​ namai - fung.sway
10:20​ aKu - The Final Blow
12:51​ Kalaido - Hanging Lanterns
16:38​ Caleb Belkin - Lost Samurai
18:49​ - Vibes
20:54​ Elijah Nang イライジャ - Sakura pt. II 桜.
26:06​ Elijah Nang イライジャ - Sakura pt. III.
30:39​ - time flies. [withluv']
31:59​ Elijah Nang イライジャ - Cold Wind コールド.
35:51​ desanctus - obito//rin
38:29​ ldst - しあなた

"Some men aren't looking for anything logical, like money. They can't be bought, bullied, reasoned, or negotiated with. Some men just want to watch the world burn."
Alfred Pennyworth, The Dark Knight (2008)
Beiträge: 18504
Registriert: 31. August 2019 00:32
Hat sich bedankt: 3 Mal
Danksagung erhalten: 21 Mal

#7 8D Shinobi ☯ Japanese Lofi HipHop Mix (Lofi)

8D Shinobi ☯ Japanese Lofi HipHop Mix

Playlist von c h i b b a // Länge: 43 Min.

0:00​ - osed.trunks - rays from the east (w/ frxn)
2:41​ Elijah Nang イライジャ - Amaya Village
6:09​ Kalaido - Whisked Away Again
10:22​ T s u n a m i i 🌊 - Just Imagine
14:07​ The -COCO- Triology - Part 2 - Find Coco (feat. Julian Convex)
17:26​ aekasora - Separate Ways (The Legend of Korra Hip Hop Remix)
21:34​ K HIGAMI - nowhere to return to.
24:53​ enoshy - solitude
26:57​ aekasora - one day in Japan
29:53​ aekasora - nindō
31:57​ The Ugly - The Moon In Autumn
34:41​ Michael Skaide - Earth
37:49​ Elijah Nang イライジャ - Gomenasai II

"Some men aren't looking for anything logical, like money. They can't be bought, bullied, reasoned, or negotiated with. Some men just want to watch the world burn."
Alfred Pennyworth, The Dark Knight (2008)
Beiträge: 18504
Registriert: 31. August 2019 00:32
Hat sich bedankt: 3 Mal
Danksagung erhalten: 21 Mal

#8 [Chill Space Mix Series #003​] Gagarin Project - A Merkaba Journey (Space Ambient)

[Chill Space Mix Series #003​] Gagarin Project - A Merkaba Journey (Space Ambient)

Playlist von The Psychedelic Muse // Länge: 90 Min.

01. Merkaba - Sky 00:00:00
02. Kalya Scintilla - The Unfurling 00:03:50
03. EMOG - Karmarama (feat. Beatfarmer) 00:09:31
04. Geometrae - Rainmaker 00:14:35
05. Tactyl - On stir la Band 180 (Feat Capric) 00:21:00
06. Kalya Scintilla - Scintillating Sands (Pathwey Remix) 00:25:35
07. JaguarTree - Into the Roots 00:29:25
08. Symbolico - I'm free 00:34:13
09. Symbolico - The answer 00:40:00
10. Tactyl - Buds & Mango 00:45:33
11. Tactyl - NoRulz 00:50:50
12. Electrowavez - Mariana Trench (Psychoz Remix) 00:55:24
13. ElectrowaveZ - The Last Pulse 01:01:43
14. Animatronix - INA TEK (Seamoon Rmx) 01:06:40
15. Mystral - Rune 01:14:55
16. SeaMoon - Archaic Mind 01:20:42
17. Merkaba - Solaris 01:28:33

"Some men aren't looking for anything logical, like money. They can't be bought, bullied, reasoned, or negotiated with. Some men just want to watch the world burn."
Alfred Pennyworth, The Dark Knight (2008)
Beiträge: 18504
Registriert: 31. August 2019 00:32
Hat sich bedankt: 3 Mal
Danksagung erhalten: 21 Mal

#9 [Chill Space Mix Series #003​] Gagarin Project - A Merkaba Journey (Space Ambient)

[Chill Space Mix Series #003​] Gagarin Project - A Merkaba Journey (Space Ambient)

Playlist von The Psychedelic Muse // Länge: 90 Min.

01. Merkaba - Sky 00:00:00​
02. Kalya Scintilla - The Unfurling 00:03:50​
03. EMOG - Karmarama (feat. Beatfarmer) 00:09:31​
04. Geometrae - Rainmaker 00:14:35​
05. Tactyl - On stir la Band 180 (Feat Capric) 00:21:00​
06. Kalya Scintilla - Scintillating Sands (Pathwey Remix) 00:25:35​
07. JaguarTree - Into the Roots 00:29:25​
08. Symbolico - I'm free 00:34:13​
09. Symbolico - The answer 00:40:00​
10. Tactyl - Buds & Mango 00:45:33​
11. Tactyl - NoRulz 00:50:50​
12. Electrowavez - Mariana Trench (Psychoz Remix) 00:55:24​
13. ElectrowaveZ - The Last Pulse 01:01:43​
14. Animatronix - INA TEK (Seamoon Rmx) 01:06:40​
15. Mystral - Rune 01:14:55​
16. SeaMoon - Archaic Mind 01:20:42​
17. Merkaba - Solaris 01:28:33

"Some men aren't looking for anything logical, like money. They can't be bought, bullied, reasoned, or negotiated with. Some men just want to watch the world burn."
Alfred Pennyworth, The Dark Knight (2008)
Beiträge: 18504
Registriert: 31. August 2019 00:32
Hat sich bedankt: 3 Mal
Danksagung erhalten: 21 Mal

#10 [Chill Space Mix Series # 004] Advanced Suite - Dub Streets of 5280 (Space Ambient)

[Chill Space Mix Series # 004] Advanced Suite - Dub Streets of 5280 (Space Ambient)

Playlist von The PsychedelicMuse // Länge: 70 Min.

01. 00:00​ - Advanced Suite - Mellow Attraction
02. 05:40​ - Advanced Suite - Skeptik
03. 06:40​ - Advanced Suite - Y Our Chill Heart
04. 09:37​ - Advanced Suite - I Desire
05. 16:30​ - Advanced Suite - Existence Is Playful
06. 21:40​ - Advanced Suite - Let It Heal Your Heart
07. 26:05​ - Advanced Suite - The Magic
08. 31:10​ - Advanced Suite - Spent Wisely
09. 34:45​ - Advanced Suite - With Your Time
10. 36:00​ - Advanced Suite - Psybration
11. 40:20​ - Advanced Suite - THAANAM
12. 45:40​ - Advanced Suite - Throbbing Eyes
13. 50:40​ - Advanced Suite - Cosmic Brothers
14. 55:35​ - Advanced Suite - Vibrates
15. 58:30​ - Advanced Suite - In Contemplation
16. 63:20 - Advanced Suite - Sk8'n

"Some men aren't looking for anything logical, like money. They can't be bought, bullied, reasoned, or negotiated with. Some men just want to watch the world burn."
Alfred Pennyworth, The Dark Knight (2008)

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