Researcher | Mark Passio 🇬🇧

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#1 Researcher | Mark Passio 🇬🇧

Dokumentationen, Vorträge, Artikel usw. von Mark Passio.

Ich poste hier NICHT Mark Passio's wöchentlichen Podcast "What On Earth Is Happening?" der halt genauso wie seine Webseite heißt, sondern ausgewählte Vorträge von ihm. Sein wöchentlicher Podcast kann hier gefunden werden.

Mark Passio ist mit Vorsicht zu geniessen: Er mischt gerne Wahrheit mit Fiktion, bei einigen Themen (Symbolismus zum Beispiel) ist sein Wissen mehr als beschränkt (oder absichtlich schlecht präsentiert) und seine Intention ist mehr als zweifelhaft. Trotz allem hat er wie kein anderer in den letzten Jahren wichtige Information zum Thema Naturrecht beigetragen.

Ich poste hier ausschließlich die Original-Präsentationen von ihm, da die deutschen Übersetzungen die im Netz kursieren als Grundlage eigener Forschungen nicht taugen.

P.S.: Fallt nicht auf seine "Sacred Gift Of Anger" und "Annunaki" Masche rein.

"Some men aren't looking for anything logical, like money. They can't be bought, bullied, reasoned, or negotiated with. Some men just want to watch the world burn."
Alfred Pennyworth, The Dark Knight (2008)
Beiträge: 18504
Registriert: 31. August 2019 00:32
Hat sich bedankt: 3 Mal
Danksagung erhalten: 21 Mal

#2 Mark Passio - Natural Law Seminar - New Haven, CT (3 Episoden, 2013)

Mark Passio - Natural Law Seminar - New Haven, CT (3 Episoden, 2013)

Mark Passio's Seminar "Natural Law - The REAL Law Of Attraction And How To Apply It In Your Life.". Aufgezeichnet 2013 in New Haven, CT.

Episode 1

Format: 480p // Sprache: Englisch // Untertitel: - // 123 Min. // 2013-10-19

This is the morning session of Mark Passio's one-day seminar "Natural Law - The REAL Law Of Attraction And How To Apply It In Your Life." This seminar took place on October 19, 2013 at the Omni Hotel in New Haven, Connecticut.

Episode 2

Format: 480p // Sprache: Englisch // Untertitel: - // 209 Min. // 2013-10-19

This is the afternoon session of Mark Passio's one-day seminar "Natural Law - The REAL Law Of Attraction And How To Apply It In Your Life." This seminar took place on October 19, 2013 at the Omni Hotel in New Haven, Connecticut.

Episode 3

Format: 480p // Sprache: Englisch // Untertitel: - // 197 Min. // 2013-10-19

This is the evening session of Mark Passio's one-day seminar "Natural Law - The REAL Law Of Attraction And How To Apply It In Your Life." This seminar took place on October 19, 2013 at the Omni Hotel in New Haven, Connecticut.

"Some men aren't looking for anything logical, like money. They can't be bought, bullied, reasoned, or negotiated with. Some men just want to watch the world burn."
Alfred Pennyworth, The Dark Knight (2008)
Beiträge: 18504
Registriert: 31. August 2019 00:32
Hat sich bedankt: 3 Mal
Danksagung erhalten: 21 Mal

#3 Mark Passio - De-Mystifying The Occult (3 Episoden, 2014)

Mark Passio - De-Mystifying The Occult (3 Episoden, 2014)

A Live, All-Day Seminar By

Saturday, October 4, 2014
9:00 am – 8:00 pm

Manchester History Center
175 Pine Street
Manchester, CT 06040

Mark Passio, the no-nonsense teacher of “Street-Wise” Spirituality, will take his guests on a journey of exploration, examining the world of The Occult and its symbols.

What, exactly, IS The Occult?
Why should YOU know about it?
What kind of knowledge comprises The Occult?
Who possesses such knowledge, and how do they use it?
How is Occultism different from Mysticism?
What can the secret language of Symbolism communicate?
How is Symbolism being used in our everyday lives?

Episode 1

Format: 1080p // Sprache: Englisch // Untertitel: - // 156 Min. // 2014

Episode 2

Format: 1080p // Sprache: Englisch // Untertitel: - // 150 Min. // 2014

Episode 3

Format: 1080p // Sprache: Englisch // Untertitel: - // 146 Min. // 2014

"Some men aren't looking for anything logical, like money. They can't be bought, bullied, reasoned, or negotiated with. Some men just want to watch the world burn."
Alfred Pennyworth, The Dark Knight (2008)
Beiträge: 18504
Registriert: 31. August 2019 00:32
Hat sich bedankt: 3 Mal
Danksagung erhalten: 21 Mal

#4 Mark Passio - De-Mystifying The Occult - Part II: Satanism & The Dark Occult (2016)

Mark Passio - De-Mystifying The Occult - Part II: Satanism & The Dark Occult (2016)

Format: 1080p // Sprache: Englisch // Untertitel: - // 227 Min. // 2016

Mark Passio continues his exposé of the world of The Occult by clearly defining Satanism and decoding Dark Occult symbology. What IS Satanism? What IS Dark Occultism? How are they employed to control us? How can we defend ourselves against their unholy influence and manipulation? In this presentation, Mark discusses what Satanism REALLY is, versus what most people BELIEVE it to be. He outlines the basic ideology of Satanism and explains the psychological mindset of the adherents of this ancient religion.

Recorded February 6, 2016 at the Ethical Society, Philadelphia PA.

"Some men aren't looking for anything logical, like money. They can't be bought, bullied, reasoned, or negotiated with. Some men just want to watch the world burn."
Alfred Pennyworth, The Dark Knight (2008)
Beiträge: 18504
Registriert: 31. August 2019 00:32
Hat sich bedankt: 3 Mal
Danksagung erhalten: 21 Mal

#5 Mark Passio - The Unholy Feminine - Neo-Feminism & The Satanic Epi-Eugenics Agenda (2 Episoden, 2016)

Mark Passio - The Unholy Feminine - Neo-Feminism & The Satanic Epi-Eugenics Agenda (2 Episoden, 2016)

In this controversial presentation, Mark Passio blows wide open the Dark Occult agenda of Neo-Feminism, which is being used to sow the seeds of discord between men and women in order to weaken the human species and ensure that future generations of humanity lack the traits necessary to resist tyranny. The destruction of gender roles and the familial dynamic are explored as major themes throughout Mark’s hard-hitting lecture.

Recorded April 16th & 17th at the Free Your Mind 4 Conference, Bucks County, PA.

Episode 1

Format: 1080p // Sprache: Englisch // Untertitel: - // 117 Min.

Episode 2

Format: 1080p // Sprache: Englisch // Untertitel: - // 159 Min.

"Some men aren't looking for anything logical, like money. They can't be bought, bullied, reasoned, or negotiated with. Some men just want to watch the world burn."
Alfred Pennyworth, The Dark Knight (2008)
Beiträge: 18504
Registriert: 31. August 2019 00:32
Hat sich bedankt: 3 Mal
Danksagung erhalten: 21 Mal

#6 Mark Passio - The Cult Of Ultimate Evil - Order-Followers & The Destruction Of The Sacred Feminine (2015)

Mark Passio - The Cult Of Ultimate Evil - Order-Followers & The Destruction Of The Sacred Feminine (2015)

Format: 1080p // Sprache: Englisch // Untertitel: - // 104 Min. // 2015

This is the presentation Mark Passio gave at the Free Your Mind 3 Conference in 2015. In this lecture, Mark explains how Order-Followers in the Police and Military are members of a world-wide Cult that is destroying human freedom.

"Some men aren't looking for anything logical, like money. They can't be bought, bullied, reasoned, or negotiated with. Some men just want to watch the world burn."
Alfred Pennyworth, The Dark Knight (2008)
Beiträge: 18504
Registriert: 31. August 2019 00:32
Hat sich bedankt: 3 Mal
Danksagung erhalten: 21 Mal

#7 Mark Passio - Fake-Ass Christians (2 Episoden, 2017)

Mark Passio - Fake-Ass Christians (2 Episoden, 2017)

Genuine Christianity is not what most people think it is. Human beings have been given a false form of Christianity to keep them spiritually asleep. In this paradigm-changing presentation, Mark Passio points out the hallmark beliefs and behaviors of false "Christians" and defines what it really means to be an Authentic Christian.

This presentation was originally given in Philadelphia, PA on June 24, 2017.

Episode 1

Format: 1080p // Sprache: Englisch // Untertitel: - // 183 Min. // 2017

Episode 2

Format: 1080p // Sprache: Englisch // Untertitel: - // 148 Min. // 2017

"Some men aren't looking for anything logical, like money. They can't be bought, bullied, reasoned, or negotiated with. Some men just want to watch the world burn."
Alfred Pennyworth, The Dark Knight (2008)
Beiträge: 18504
Registriert: 31. August 2019 00:32
Hat sich bedankt: 3 Mal
Danksagung erhalten: 21 Mal

#8 Mark Passio - Fake-Ass Anarchists (2021)

Mark Passio - Fake-Ass Anarchists (2021)

Format: 1080p // Sprache: Englisch // Untertitel: Deutsch (YT erzeugt) // 142 Min. // 2021

In this special presentation originally given at the S.E.E.D. 4 Growth Conference, Mark Passio analyzes the many false forms of so-called “Anarchism.” Mark then goes on to delve deeply into the psychological state of these fake “Anarchists,” revealing the many religious thought-forms which hold them back from an accurate understanding of the causal factors for Humanity’s current condition of enslavement. This presentation will help viewers understand why so many false forms of “Anarchism” exist, and how to distinguish inauthentic “Anarchists” from the Real Thing.

"Some men aren't looking for anything logical, like money. They can't be bought, bullied, reasoned, or negotiated with. Some men just want to watch the world burn."
Alfred Pennyworth, The Dark Knight (2008)
Beiträge: 18504
Registriert: 31. August 2019 00:32
Hat sich bedankt: 3 Mal
Danksagung erhalten: 21 Mal

#9 Mark Passio - Psy Ops (2022)

Mark Passio - Psy Ops (2022)

Format: 1080p // Sprache: Deutsch // Untertitel: Deutsch (YT erzeugt) // 132 Min. // 2022

In this eye-opening presentation, originally presented at the Shattering The Illusion virtual conference, Mark Passio explains what Psychological Warfare is, who employs it, and most importantly, WHY it works as a method of manipulation upon the general public. Mark goes on to break down the varied types of Psy-Ops and analyzes some of the most infamous ancient and modern psychological operations in human history. Mark concludes the presentation by exploring critical methods of defense that can be employed against all forms of Psychological Warfare.

"Some men aren't looking for anything logical, like money. They can't be bought, bullied, reasoned, or negotiated with. Some men just want to watch the world burn."
Alfred Pennyworth, The Dark Knight (2008)

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