Weltraummusik, auch Spacemusic genannt, ist ein Subgenre der New-Age-Musik und wird als "ruhig, hypnotisch und bewegend" beschrieben. Es ist von Ambient-Musik abgeleitet und mit Lounge-Musik, Easy Listening und Aufzugsmusik verbunden.
Mehr zum Thema: Wikipedia - Space Music (Englischsprachig)
Musik: Space Ambient
- Deckard666
- Beiträge: 18483
- Registriert: 31. August 2019 00:32
- Hat sich bedankt: 3 Mal
- Danksagung erhalten: 21 Mal
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#1 Musik: Space Ambient
"Some men aren't looking for anything logical, like money. They can't be bought, bullied, reasoned, or negotiated with. Some men just want to watch the world burn."
Alfred Pennyworth, The Dark Knight (2008)
Alfred Pennyworth, The Dark Knight (2008)
- Deckard666
- Beiträge: 18483
- Registriert: 31. August 2019 00:32
- Hat sich bedankt: 3 Mal
- Danksagung erhalten: 21 Mal
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#2 Space Ambient Mix 1 - Across the Universe
Space Ambient Mix 1 - Across the Universe
Playlist von JediMaster // Länge: 91 Min.
1. 00:00 - 15:48 - Jonn Serrie - Starmoods
2. 15:49 - 23:40 - Jonn Serrie - Lumahai
3. 23:41 - 34:10 - Jonn Serrie - Stratos
4. 34:11 - 44:28 - Carbon Based Lifeforms - Interia
5. 44:29 - 54:10 - Jonn Serrie - The Far River
6. 54:11 - 59:45 - Jonn Serrie - The Auran Vector
7. 59:46 - 1:06:02 - Carbon Based Lifeforms - Kensington Gardens
8. 1:06:03 - 1:13:25 - Jonn Serrie - The Tachyon Directive
9. 1:13:25 - 1:23:14 - Jonn Serrie - Glyder
10. 1:23:15 - 1:28:20 - Jonn Serrie - Continuum
11. 1:28:21 - Jonn Serrie - The Ancient of Days(EDIT)
"Some men aren't looking for anything logical, like money. They can't be bought, bullied, reasoned, or negotiated with. Some men just want to watch the world burn."
Alfred Pennyworth, The Dark Knight (2008)
Alfred Pennyworth, The Dark Knight (2008)
- Deckard666
- Beiträge: 18483
- Registriert: 31. August 2019 00:32
- Hat sich bedankt: 3 Mal
- Danksagung erhalten: 21 Mal
- Kontaktdaten:
#3 Space Ambient Mix 2 - Universal Consciousness
Space Ambient Mix 2 - Universal Consciousness
Playlist von JediMaster // Länge: 94 Min.
1. 00:00 - 15:20 - The Stars Like Dust - Jonn Serrie
2. 15:21 - 22:28 - Land of Lyss - Jonn Serrie
3. 22:29 - 28:00 - Aftervisions - Jonn Serrie
4. 28:01 - 34:10 - Mother Spirit - Jonn Serrie
5. 34:11 - 43:44 - The Straits of Madigan - Jonn Serrie
6. 43:45 - 54:15 - Deep Starship - Jonn Serrie
7. 54:16 - 1:01:30 - Starport Indra - Jonn Serrie
8. 1:01:31 - 1:10:50 - Pan Galactic - Jonn Serrie
9. 1:10:52 - 1:16:45 - Muroc - Jonn Serrie
10. 1:16:46 - 1:24:50 - Goldstone - Jonn Serrie
11. 1:24:51 - 1:33:12 - The Stargazers Journey - Jonn Serrie
12. 1:33:13 - First Night Out - Jonn Serrie
"Some men aren't looking for anything logical, like money. They can't be bought, bullied, reasoned, or negotiated with. Some men just want to watch the world burn."
Alfred Pennyworth, The Dark Knight (2008)
Alfred Pennyworth, The Dark Knight (2008)
- Deckard666
- Beiträge: 18483
- Registriert: 31. August 2019 00:32
- Hat sich bedankt: 3 Mal
- Danksagung erhalten: 21 Mal
- Kontaktdaten:
#4 Space Ambient Mix 6 - Quantum Seas
Space Ambient Mix 6 - Quantum Seas
Playlist von JediMaster // Länge: 101 Min.
Music produced by Jonn Serrie
1. Gentle the Night 00:00
2. Sunday Morning 07:26
3. The Stargazer's Journey 18:29
4. And the Stars Go With You 27:02
5. The Enlighted Path 31:13
6. Breat of The Valley 38:22
7. Ona Frontier of Fables 46:01
8. Sea Mist 1:07:23
9. Deep mystery 1:18:24
10. From Here to eternity 1:24:40
11. The Last Secret 1:32:44
12. Vision Lake 1:40:07
"Some men aren't looking for anything logical, like money. They can't be bought, bullied, reasoned, or negotiated with. Some men just want to watch the world burn."
Alfred Pennyworth, The Dark Knight (2008)
Alfred Pennyworth, The Dark Knight (2008)
- Deckard666
- Beiträge: 18483
- Registriert: 31. August 2019 00:32
- Hat sich bedankt: 3 Mal
- Danksagung erhalten: 21 Mal
- Kontaktdaten:
#5 Space Ambient Mix 13 - The Talisman by Max Corbacho
Space Ambient Mix 13 - The Talisman by Max Corbacho
Playlist von JediMaster // Länge: 73 Min.
Max Corbacho
1. 00:00 - 07:13 - Amnios
2. 07:14 - 17:25 - Reborn to Expansion
3. 17:25 - 28:15 - Connected Spirits
4. 28:16 - 33:29 - Three Circles
5. 33:30 - 41:15 - Garden of revealed Flame
6. 41:16 - 45:16 - Ruby Fot The Sun
7. 45:17 - 50:27 - The Talisman
8. 50:28 - 55:37 - The Endless Knot
9. 55:38 - 59:16 - Wind's Gallery
10. 59:17 - 1:03:06 - Pearl For The Moon
11. 1:03:05 - 1:12:18 - Cellular memory
"Some men aren't looking for anything logical, like money. They can't be bought, bullied, reasoned, or negotiated with. Some men just want to watch the world burn."
Alfred Pennyworth, The Dark Knight (2008)
Alfred Pennyworth, The Dark Knight (2008)
- Deckard666
- Beiträge: 18483
- Registriert: 31. August 2019 00:32
- Hat sich bedankt: 3 Mal
- Danksagung erhalten: 21 Mal
- Kontaktdaten:
#6 Space Ambient Mix 14 - Discoveries by Andrew Odd
Space Ambient Mix 14 - Discoveries by Andrew Odd
Playlist von SpaceAmbient // Länge: 49 Min.
Andrew Odd
1. 00:00 - 07:15 - Leaving
2. 07:16 - 14:41 - Crossing the Sea of stars
3. 14:42 - 21:30 - Through the Veil
4. 21:31 - 26:22 - A Milion Worlds
5. 26:23 - 33:13 - Unknown Phenomena
6. 33:14 - 38:56 - Rough Landing
7. 38:57 - 44:29 - New Home
8. 44:30 - 48:28 - Not alone
"Some men aren't looking for anything logical, like money. They can't be bought, bullied, reasoned, or negotiated with. Some men just want to watch the world burn."
Alfred Pennyworth, The Dark Knight (2008)
Alfred Pennyworth, The Dark Knight (2008)
- Deckard666
- Beiträge: 18483
- Registriert: 31. August 2019 00:32
- Hat sich bedankt: 3 Mal
- Danksagung erhalten: 21 Mal
- Kontaktdaten:
#7 Space Ambient Mix 15 - DeepMind Meditation by Pulse Mandala
Space Ambient Mix 15 - DeepMind Meditation by Pulse Mandala
Playlist von SpaceAmbient // Länge: 180 Min.
Pulse Mandala
This track started out as a visual experiment rendering chakra like energy fields around a buddha silhouette. It just screamed for a cosmic soundtrack, which was catered for in a Eurorack modular synth, patching up an atmosphere of Indian like temple drones, with random variations and shifting harmonics in an otherwise monotone but hypnotic drone. Some bells and whistles were added as VI's as icing on the cake. All by all this resulted in a natural flow that touches a deeper intuitive feeling of cosmic connection and being one with the universe.
Wim Daans is obsessed with sounds, synthesizers, samples. Always seeking, tweaking, never choosing the obvious, digging out the obscure above the evident, and avoiding the beaten tracks by all means. Over the years he developed his own signature sound, sometimes delicate and translucent, then again distorted, twisted and deranged. Sculpting wonderful alien and cosmic soundscapes is what he excels in, like he does with his own projects Karma de la Luna or more recently Pulse Mandala.
"Some men aren't looking for anything logical, like money. They can't be bought, bullied, reasoned, or negotiated with. Some men just want to watch the world burn."
Alfred Pennyworth, The Dark Knight (2008)
Alfred Pennyworth, The Dark Knight (2008)
- Deckard666
- Beiträge: 18483
- Registriert: 31. August 2019 00:32
- Hat sich bedankt: 3 Mal
- Danksagung erhalten: 21 Mal
- Kontaktdaten:
#8 Space Ambient Mix 18 - Hidden World Beyond by Jonn Serrie & Gary Stroutsos
Space Ambient Mix 18 - Hidden World Beyond by Jonn Serrie & Gary Stroutsos
Playlist von JediMaster // Länge: 47 Min.
Jonn Serrie & Gary Stroutsos
1. Indigo Moon - 00:00
2. Hidden World Beyond - 06:01
3. Nightfall at Song Tra-Bong - 12:05
4. Hidden World Live - 19:26
5. Stillpoint - 26:33
6. The Guardian - 29:45
7. Sea of Clouds - 34:05
8. Planet zen - 40:45
9. The River of Heaven - 44:30
"Some men aren't looking for anything logical, like money. They can't be bought, bullied, reasoned, or negotiated with. Some men just want to watch the world burn."
Alfred Pennyworth, The Dark Knight (2008)
Alfred Pennyworth, The Dark Knight (2008)
- Deckard666
- Beiträge: 18483
- Registriert: 31. August 2019 00:32
- Hat sich bedankt: 3 Mal
- Danksagung erhalten: 21 Mal
- Kontaktdaten:
#9 Space Ambient Mix 19 - AeroAreA by Mathias Grassow
Space Ambient Mix 19 - AeroAreA by Mathias Grassow
Playlist von JediMaster // Länge: 225 Min.
Mathias Grassow
1. 0:00:00 Celestial Oasis
2. 1:04:00 The Spacelight
3. 1:59:00 The Ancient Artefact
4. 2:48:00 Above The Karman Line
"Some men aren't looking for anything logical, like money. They can't be bought, bullied, reasoned, or negotiated with. Some men just want to watch the world burn."
Alfred Pennyworth, The Dark Knight (2008)
Alfred Pennyworth, The Dark Knight (2008)
- Deckard666
- Beiträge: 18483
- Registriert: 31. August 2019 00:32
- Hat sich bedankt: 3 Mal
- Danksagung erhalten: 21 Mal
- Kontaktdaten:
#10 Space Ambient Mix 20 - Interstellar Gravity by Mathias Grassow
Space Ambient Mix 20 - Interstellar Gravity by Mathias Grassow
Playlist von JediMaster // Länge: 77 Min.
Mathias Grassow
1. Underneath the Stars 00:00
2. Alone with the Sky 08:54
3. When the Dawn Comes 24:00
4. The Distant Miracle 31:57
5. Constant Spaces 42:30
6. A Silent Graces 47:53
7. The Shadow Crept Upward 59:39
"Some men aren't looking for anything logical, like money. They can't be bought, bullied, reasoned, or negotiated with. Some men just want to watch the world burn."
Alfred Pennyworth, The Dark Knight (2008)
Alfred Pennyworth, The Dark Knight (2008)